
Research center BIPART




In 2024 we conduct research in the following policy areas:

- Public procurement and public finance

  • Analysis of Achievement of Target Parameters of Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus: Between Dream and Reality (text in Russian)

- Civil society

  • Cooperation Within Belarusian Civil Society: Will You (N)ever Walk Alone? Monitoring 5 & Research Report (brief version) (text in Russian, text in English)


In 2023 we conducted research in the following policy areas:

- Public administration system

  • Review of methodologies for assessing the quality of public services (text in Russian)

- Public procurement and public finance

- Civil society

Is everything new well-forgotten old? Overview of the Belarusian civil society initiatives that emerged after 2020 (Monitoring: July – December 2022) (text in Russian, text in English)

Between Survival and Standby: A Review of Civil Society in the Regions of Belarus. Monitoring (January – June 2023) (brief in English, full version in English,  full version in Russian)

- Open Data 

Open Can't Be Closed: The Impact of Open Data Restrictions on Health Care, Foreign Trade and Public Finance in Belarus (brief in Russian, full version in Russian)


In 2022 we conducted research in the following policy areas:

- Public Administration Reform

- Public administration system

- Public service

- Public procurement and public finance

- Civil society

  • State and Current Needs of Belarusian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Situation of Political Crisis (Monitoring: July – December 2021) (text in Russiantext in English)
  • State and Current Needs of Belarusian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Situation of Political Crisis (Monitoring: January – July 2022) (text in Russiantext in English)


In 2021 we conducted research in the following policy areas:

- Civil society

- Public administration system


In 2020 we conducted research in the following policy areas:

- Human rights

  • Implementation of human right based approach in local development: best practices and lessons learned (full text in Russian)

- Public procurement and public finance

- Public service

- Civil society

- Public administration system


In 2019 we finalized research in the following policy area:

Analysis of collective electroniс appeals of citizens in the human rights context (brief in Russianpresentation in Russianfull text in Russian)


In 2018-2019 we finalized research in the following policy area:

- Interaction of civil society and the state at the national and local levels (the direction was implemented within the framework of the "Razam da spravy"  program in cooperation with civil campaign "Budzma Belarusami!")


In 2018 we conducted research in the following policy areas:

- Civil service

  • BIPART experts Dzmitry Markusheuski and Ina Ramasheuskaya developed amendments and additions to the ‘Law on Civil Service in the Republic of Belarus” (text in Russiantext in Belarusian)

- Public procurement and public finances

- Scientific cooperation and other aspects of interaction between European Union and Belarus (in the frames of EU-STRAT project within EU Horizon 2020 programme)


In 2017 we had been working on the following policy areas:

- E-government and electronic participation of citizens and society

- Public procurement

  • Manual on finding violations and corruption in public procurement in Belarus (text in Russian)
  • International research “Evaluation of legislation on public procurement” for the Transparent Public Procurement Rating, Belarus chapter by Uladzimir Kavalkin (text)
  • Paper of Uladzimir Kavalkin and Andrey Sushko "Electronic public procurement: evaluation of official electronic trading platforms in Belarus" (full text in English, brief text in Russian
  • Paper of Galina Kashevskaya and Vladimir Poplyko “Public procurement from single source: analysis and recommendations” (full text in Russian)

- Social policy and education

  • Paper of Tatsiana Chulitskaya and Ina Ramasheuskaya “Social protection: how to improve the situation of those who lost their jobs” (brief text in Russian
  • Paper of Yana Ustinenko “Analysis of the reforms of higher education policy in Belarus on the example of current challenges and problems of the policy area in 2010 – 2016” (text in Russian)

- Scientific cooperation and other aspects of interaction between European Union and Belarus (in the frames of EU-STRAT project within EU Horizon 2020 programme)

  • Paper of Tatsiana Chulitskaya, Honorata Mazepus, Ina Ramasheuskaya and Dimiter Toshkov “Scientific Policy and International Cooperation in the Eastern Partnership Countries: Overview” (text)
  • Paper of Honorata Mazepus, Dimiter Toshkov, Tatsiana Chulitskaya and Ina Ramasheuskaya "The Effects of the EU’s Scientific Cooperation Programmes on the Eastern Partnership Countries: Scientific Output and Broader Societal Impact" (text)
  • Paper of Antoaneta Dimitrova, Matthew Frear, Honorata Mazepus, Dimiter Toshkov, Maxim Boroda, Tatsiana Chulitskaya, Oleg Grytsenko, Igor Munteanu, Tatiana Parvan and Ina Ramasheuskaya “The Elements of Russia’s Soft Power: Channels, Tools, and Actors Promoting Russian Influence in the Eastern Partnership Countries” (text)


In 2016 we are working on the following policy topics:

  • E-government
  • Public procurement
  • Motivation of public servants
  • Innovation policy
  • Professional development of local civil servants


In 2015 our main research agenda focused on human resource management in civil service.

In September 2015 we published and presented the pilot research on public service motivation (in Russian). The research is based on the responses of Belarusian civil servants to the questionnaire asking their opinion on their work motivations and how it is taken into account by the organizations they work in.


In 2013-2014 BIPART experts and guest researchers have presented several analytical papers on different aspects of public administration:

"Public procurement in Belarus: increase of transparency" (In English) policy brief by Vladimir Kovalkin analyses recent changes in the public procurement system in Belarus, accesses their possible consequences, and recommends how to improve the system’s efficiency and transparency.

The study "Effectively working public organizations: modern challenges and responses" (in English) by Ina Ramasheuskaya and Tatiana Chulitskaya overviews the modern approaches to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of public organizations in the EU, Russia and Kazakhstan, and provides recommendations for improving the methodology of evaluation of the work of government organizations in Belarus .

The policy brief  "Public-private partnership in Belarus: what's after the law?"   (in English) by Katherina Korzun analyzes the draft law on public-private partnership which will soon be passed to the National Assembly and proposes additions that should make the law a starting point for the effective PPP model in Belarus and for the formation of the appropriate institutional environment.

The "Result-oriented budgeting: the development of methotology for the preparation and implementation of the pilot project" (in English)  policy brief by Dmitry Yaroshevich, Irina Rukomicheva and Olga Ivanova provides an overview of recent actions of the Belarusian authorities to improve the quality of budget planning in Belarus, as well as recommendations for the introduction of modern budgeting model (result-oriented budgeting) and practical suggestions on the implementation of the pilot project.

In the policy paper "Practical approaches to the creation of analytical center for the development of public policy at the national government level" (in Russian), Alexander Filipau and Vladimir Andrienko analyze the experience of the EU and China on the establishment of state-run think tanks, and provide the recommendations to improve the analysis at the national government level in Belarus.

In the study "Evaluating the effectiveness of social policy: the search for ways in modern public administration" (in Russian), Ina Ramasheuskaya and Tatiana Chulitskaya  analyze modern approaches to the development of public policy in general and social policy in particular (within the evidence-based policy development framework), and provide recommendations for the creation of infrastructure for the analysis, development and evaluation of social policy in Belarus.

The study "Somplification of the administrative burden of the tax system of the Republic of Belarus through the standard cost model " (in Belarusian) by Maxim Karlyuk and Dmitry Yaroshevich summarizes the main characteristics and problematic aspects of Belarusian tax system, explains the proposed standard cost model and highlights its main advantages.

The study "E-government in Belarus: the infrastructure is created - what is next?" (in Russian) by Marina Sokolova and Dzmitry Markusheuski consists of two parts. The first part examines the current approaches to the creation of electronic communication system in the government organizations, while the second one offers certain steps in the development of these systems in Belarus.

The study "Retail chains: contemporary service or monopolization of retail?" (in Russian) by Vladimir Kovalkin and guest expert Alexander Filimonov suggest the ways to achieve the compromise between the interests of  government agencies, business associations and customers without jeopardizing retail development in Belarus.

In their study "How to make the work with citizens' inquiries more effective" (in Russian), guest researchers Irena Lapina and Sviatlana Sous assess the legislative and procedural base of work of government agencies with citizens’ inquiries and suggest how to improve their quality by providing rights incentives to civil servants. 


In 2012 we released a Collection of policy papers in the field of public administration: download full version (in Russian).

It consists of 7 works. The first one, written by Ina Ramasheuskaya and Tatiana Chulitskaya, analyzes the prospects for evaluation of effectiveness of state administration in Belarus on the basis of the development of conceptual approaches and practices of public administration of the last two decades, in particular, on the concept of new public management. Read (all documents in English): summary, policy paper.

Alexander Mukha and Irina Migutskaya evaluate the options for modernization of the budgetary system in Belarus and propose a transition to PBB - Performance Based Budgeting. Read (all in English): summary, policy paper.

To the question of how to turn the local government in Belarus from a myth into reality, what is necessary for that and what can be really expected, the policy paper by Miroslav Kobasa is dedicated. Read (all in English): summary, policy paper.

Marina Sokolova presents to your attention a policy brief entitled "E-government in Belarus: overcoming the informatization inertia", which offers an alternative and integral concept of electronic government to the technocratic approach. Read (all in English): summary, policy paper.

Vladimir Kovalkin in cooperation with Artur Yudzitski analyze the current system of employment to the public service and propose reforms aiming at shifting from the clannish and personal relations-based approach in hiring to the public service to the modern rational bureaucracy. Read (all in English): summary, policy paper.

Policy paper of another graduate of our School - Anastasia Klimovich – is dedicated to the professionalization of higher education (on the example of BSU) and the analysis of its relationship with the labor market. The results of the analysis of the best practices and recommendations are presented. Read: summary (in English), policy paper (in Russian).